Still ridiculously cold. Monday it was 34 degrees and windy.
I managed to get in a 5.2 mile run and some grocery shopping. Not at the same
time. Today it was 35 degrees and even windier. I did a 6 mile run and felt
pretty good despite the horrible weather. There were spots where the wind was
so strong I could barely move forward.
The hip gets a little sore around the 4 mile point, but not
so bad that I can’t run. I did a few small hills today, but decided not to tackle
cemetery hill. The half marathon is one month away and I need all my joints
healthy and working by then. I do about 15 minutes worth of knee and hip
exercises every evening and bought a foam roller to try to loosen up the IT
band. I can’t tell if the foam roller is doing anything or not. Mostly it just
hurts the spots that already hurt.
Tomorrow the forecast is for 50 and sunny. I hope I can get
out of work early enough to head to the park and get in a 7 mile run.
5.26 miles, 50:39 minutes, 9:37
6.03 miles, 56:49 minutes, 9:25
pace (that's more like it)
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